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About Us

Our mission is to create datasets indicative of company performance.

We try to work on things that add value to the world.

Creating a culture where we enjoy what we do and who we do it with.

We're in it for the long haul.

And we wanna have some fun while we do it!

PredictLeads Team

Learning some cooking lessons and drinking some wine :)

PredictLeads Team

3-day Hackathon at Slovenian Ski resort.

PredictLeads Team

Making clay! :)

Meet our team

People making the most accurate data on companies for you to build upon.

Eva Potočnik

Head of Quality Assurance

Eva makes sure the team regularly meets on team building events :). Becomes one with her snowboard over the winter.

Tim Povše

Python & Ruby Engineer - Website Evolution Dataset

Besides being able to build great green fires Tim is a great cook and prepares delicious meals!

Ariana Remškar

Account Manager

One day she could perform as a stand-up artist. +Bonus points for being a healthy lifestyle promoter.

Anže Goršek

Python & Rails Engineer

Positive lifestyle enthusiast and a great colleague.

Danijel Pančić

Python & JS Engineer

Mathematician and a go-to person for any pop-culture related question! :)

Ema Brglez

Quality Assurance Specialist

Would share her last cookie with you. And then buy you an additional bag with your favorite flavor.

Didka Perovšek

Development link between the Sales team and the Dev team

Loudest laugh in the office.

Domen Jurkovič

Python Engineer

Best dance skillz, forest skillz, onewheel skillz and one day to own self sustaining farm.

Endy Yates

Quality Assurance Specialist

The most calm person to hang around with.

Fanny Lundberg

Account Manager Level 10 out of 5

Italy specialist, cat lover and warm weather enthusiast!

Gašper Tomažič

Python Engineer

A go to guy for anything that needs a deep dive into! Builder.

Jošt Prevc

Python Engineer

Can fly from the mountain tops!

Julija Bizjak

Account Manager

If you'll not pay, she'll come after you! Nature, pets and yoga lover.

Klemen Stanič

SysOps Engineer

His name starts with an uppercase letter 'k'. Wood hand crafting skillz, DIY skillz, music skillz, builder at heart.

Luka Ivanovič

Quality Assurance Specialist

Gamer, so doesn't age, he levels up. Most friendly eye contact & laughter in the team.

Maj Jaklič

Account Manager

Travel specialist and explorer of great cuisines.

Manca Golmajer

Quality Assurance Specialist

Does not miss a day in the gym! Likely to learn a few karaoke songs till our next team building.

Manca Malenšek

Quality Assurance Specialist

Knows all of her grandmother's recipes by heart. Ask her about orange pie.

Manca Mršol

Account Manager

Knows her way around microbes. Go-to wingwoman for karaoke playlist building. Offers wedding violin performances.

Maria Pablo

Account Manager

We all hope she'll take us to Peru one day! Christmas spirit enthusiast. Sets up a new year's tree late October.

Marko Romšak

Quality Assurance Specialist & Developer

Single malt, Oak taste, Two barrel, 10yo or 12yo... when in doubt, ask Marko!

Maša Vukadinović

Quality Assurance Specialist

If you have a question about animals, you go ask Maša. Rabbits are amongst her favorites.

Matej Koplan

Python Engineer - Key Customers Dataset

Cliff climber, mountain enthusiast and recently clay maker :).

Matic Mikuš

Quality Assurance Specialist

Spends half a year in a warmer climate. Can list all European airports alphabetically.

Matic Perovšek

Co-Founder & CTO

Loves playing, watching and discussing soccer! :)

Miha Vizovišek

Ruby on Rails Engineer

Loves the sea, sun and Oliver Dragojevic!

Neža Bizjak

Python and Scala Engineer

Rock climber and garden nurturer. Loves plants and lately her newborn.

Nika Cirar

Quality Assurance Specialist

Loves playing piano.

Nika Kastelic

Quality Assurance Specialist

Best singer on the team. So good at 'Activity' (the game), it might stop being fun for you :D.

Robert Fon

Sales Outreach Specialist

Number one gym freak in the team! Knows what the meaning of the word 'persevere' inside out.

Roq Xever


Likes riding bicycles. Sometimes stammers.

Sanil Safić

Python and Ruby on Rails Developer

Likes playing basketball & crazy enough to also watch them early AM hours. Building a house.

Teo Vinazza

Quality Assurance Specialist

Laid back guy, if you'll play a game with him, any game, fun is guaranteed.

Tilen Padovnik

Quality Assurance Specialist

Classic cars enthusiast. Seeing a future where he's taking care of at least three classics.

Blaž Mežnar

Ruby on Rails Developer

Open water Diver, Firefighter and most recently a sailor! :)