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Your Source of Company Intelligence Data

Structured company intelligence data powering your business via APIs, Flat Files and Webhooks.

Company signals help you identify growing companies, understand target prospects and improve outreach personalization.

Comtrade Segment Copy.ai InReach Ventures Aviso Lavender

Companies We Work With

Dealroom Clay FactSet
As a software powered investment firm, having a breath of data is crucial for InReach Ventures. PredictLeads's data and APIs help us discover early-stage startups from all across Europe.
Ben Smith
Co-Founder / CTO at InReach Ventures
Ben Smith
We've run personalized campaigns based off of PredictLead's job opening and product launch signals. Working with their API is a breeze, and the support from the team has been incredible!
Alex Millet
Product Manager at Segment
Alex Millet
Using PredictLeads data our sales development team is able to prequalify leads 3 times faster. The number of appointments we are setting every week is up significantly.
Martin Weiss
Sales Principal at BizXpand
Martin Weiss
PredictLeads data is of value to our scouting activities as it spots targets in the market we were not aware of before.
Raymond Custers
Investment Specialist Rabo Frontier Ventures at Rabobank
Raymond Custers

Enrich Company Data

Get signals like hiring intent, new customers signed, technologies used, product launches, location expansions, awards received and many others for your B2B solution.

Discover Net-New Companies

Use filters like job openings, investment activities, companies working with competitors and others to identify growing companies that should be on your radar.

Our Datasets

Job Openings

Structured Job Posting data on more than 1.6M companies enabling you to identify investment initiatives and future company aspirations.

News Events

Using machine learning we detect 28 different events from news and structure them so they are prepared for further analysis and ingestion.


Identify companies adopting or dropping specific technologies.

Key Customer Data

Better understand supply chain relationships and track newly added key customers.

Install TalkingPoints Chrome Extension and have Company Events Always at Your Fingertips

Startup Bootcamp Capital 300 Frontier Ventures Y Combinator

Interested in how your organization can leverage these insights?